Just blow it up ...

exploding tree


If you feel bored during the Xmas break, or simply want to get rid of your Martini frustrations, please experiment with exploding Martini-bead snowmen, Santaclaus, or other stuff you'ld like to see blasted (bunnies !).

Who says Martini is too sticky ?

We would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year, please stay healthy and may you all have a blast ...



From the Pavan lab: Swarm-CG, a versatile software tool for the automatic iterative parametrization of bonded parameters in coarse-grained models such as Martini.

Details of this promising method have now been published: Empereur-Mot et al., ACS Omega, 2020.

PEGylated proteins

PEGylated-protein.jpgEnhancement of proteins by PEGylation is an active area of research. To gain a better insight into these interactions or even make predictions, we published a protocol on how to simulate PEGylated proteins using the latest iteration of Martini:

F. Grünewald, P.C. Kroon, P.C.T. Souza, S.J. Marrink. Protocol for Simulations of PEGylated Proteins with Martini 3. Structural Genomics: Methods in Molecular Biology 2199:315-335, 2021. reprint

Docking of membrane protein assemblies

Interested in predicting the structure of membrane-associated protein assemblies ? Check out the latest work from the Bonvin group, partially relying on Martini to define the membrane environment: Roel-Touris et al., Nature Commun. 2020.

Peptidoglycan model

A Martini model of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan is now available, thanks to the nice work of Vaiwala et al. The parameters and other files can be found here.